Pench Jungle
Pench Jungle

The 4 Prominent Gates of The Pench Jungle

The 4 Prominent Gates
of The Pench Jungle

Pench National Park reveals the childhood narrative of Rudyard Kipling's - Jungle Book. The dry mixed forest straddles the boundaries of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra in the southern Satpura-Maikal ranges of the Central highlands.

Although there are several gates in Pench and all of them are famous for one thing or the other, the four most prominent gates of Pench Jungle are-

Sillari Gate Pench

Sillari Gate lies on the Maharashtra side of the Pench Jungle and is quite popular with tourists. The Sillari Gate is the most well-known and major entrance to the Pench Maharashtra Tiger Reserve.

The land surrounding Sillari is covered in a stunning forest that is rich in bamboo and teak and features a multitude of waterfalls and other sources of water. The Construction of the Totladoh Dam on the Pench River can be viewed from this gate. There is a significant chance of seeing wildlife in this section of the forest.

Khursapar Gate Pench

The Khursapar Pench Gate, which can be found on the Maharashtra side of the Pench Jungle, is yet another very well-known and famous entrance. Many tourists use Khursapar Gate, which is located a distance of around forty kilometers from Turia Gate. This gate in Pench has seen an explosion in foot traffic over the past ten years because, in large part, of the increased likelihood of seeing tigers there.

In addition to the possibility of seeing tigers, this meandering landscape offers excellent opportunities to see gaurs, chinkaras, and chowsinghas. One of the few natural sources of water that can be found in this region is Bakhari Lake.

Turia Gate Pench

Turia Gate lies in the core area of the Pench Jungle. This busy gate is near the boundary of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra and is close to NH 7. This area of the forest has diverse vegetation, scrublands, little streams, and Acacia Catechu, which leads to the Baginnalla waterhole. If you travel from Baginalla to JodaMunara, you may see Patdev Tigress, who had five cubs this year.

The other park road leads to Junewani waterhole, and from there the terrain climbs to Pyorthadi. The area is notable for its rock formations, giant ghost trees, and salai trees. This area is leopard-rich. Visitors can see spotted deer, jackals, and magnificent soaring gems and witness the Tigers as this gate is the most famous for Tiger sightings.

Karmajhiri Gate Pench

Karmajhiri Gate also lies in the core area of the Pench Jungle. This gate has forest rest houses that are perfect for a weekend getaway. Before becoming a tiger reserve, most of this forest was used for timber production.

From the first junction, the left road leads to Bodhanalla (Bodha means male Gaur and nalla means stream in Gond), which is covered with bamboo plantations and known to see Gaurs, Sambars, and barking deer. The road to Sita Ghat leads all the way to the bird-rich Pench river. As the river dries up in summer, a tiger may be found resting in a pond of water. This park area has wild dogs.

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